Let’s dive in!
I have a clear plan for tracking upcoming speaking engagements.
I have a process for following up with event organizers and confirming details.
I know how to prepare for each event (materials, logistics, and personal branding).
I track my speaking fees and income per event.
I’m actively seeking partnerships with other speakers or influencers to expand my reach.
I have a process for tracking potential collaborators and opportunities.
I regularly connect with people who could help grow my speaking business.
I know exactly how to leverage co-branding or joint ventures for more visibility.
I have a system for collecting leads at speaking engagements or events.
I follow up with leads within 48 hours to maximize my conversion rate.
I know how to offer value during networking interactions to build meaningful connections.
I have a strategy for nurturing relationships with potential clients or collaborators.
I track all income and expenses related to my speaking engagements.
I have a system in place for managing my business finances, taxes, and profit goals.
I know how to set financial goals based on the events I book.
I track my ROI (Return on Investment) for each speaking engagement.
I have a content
plan for creating presentations that resonate with my audience.
I know what my personal brand stands
for and how to present it consistently.
I create content that’s valuable and shareable for both events and social media.
I have a strong call-
to-action in every presentation to convert attendees into clients.
If you checked most of the boxes, you're on the path to growing your speaking career. However, there may still be areas where you could be more organized and strategic.
If you checked several “No” boxes, the Speaker Impact Planner can help you get back on track by providing templates, strategies, and systems for every step of the process.